Lifestyle & Family

Indoor Baby Photos: Bright and Beautiful

I’m a huge fan of indoor baby photos from a practical standpoint—lots of soft places to set the baby and all the basic essentials close at hand. But, today, I’m sharing these with just pure love for the light in them.
Here is one of our favorite (and easy!) photography secrets. Assuming you have windows with a little light coming in, turn all the other lights off in your house. You may be tempted to turn on more lights to help capture a photo. But the truth is that when natural sunlight and most indoor lighting mix, you’ll get some weird colors in your photos. So, turn off your lights and see what happens. You can experiment with the direction you are taking the photos and where your subject is placed.

Ok, it also helps if you happen to have an insanely cute and smiley baby, like this sweet little one. I feel like I could just keep scrolling and watching these three interact—so much love for these bright indoor baby photos.


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