The more family photo shoots we do in people’s homes, the more I become convinced of them. I feel like it’s tempting (but at times counterproductive) to spend time looking for a new family photo idea when we’ve got a whole world of interesting material available at home.
The photo shoot I’m sharing today is just another beautiful example of this. Ryan and Steph were totally game for starting their shoot at home. They gave us lots of ideas of things that their one year old daughter loves. That’s exactly where we started—specific stuffed animals, a box of tissues, a box of toys in her bedroom.
It was a relaxed shoot and by the time we headed outside to a local park, we were already sure we’d gotten lots of great photos.
The next time you’re looking for a family photo idea, start by looking at the spaces you call your own and see where that takes you. And, of course, the next time you need someone to take those family photos, give us a shout!