Today’s images are the perfect blend of Seattle product photography and fun. Swoop Bags is a Seattle-based company that produces the most innovative storage solution for kids—and if you’re not careful—just about everything in your house.
We’ve had the chance to collaborate with Sarah at Swoop several times now and have just come to love the company and the product. When we set out to create the set of Seattle product photography you’ll see today, Sarah came in with some ideas and specific photos she needed. She also gave us the space to play and innovate so we could just see what happened.
Doing a product shoot like this is a process of planning, scheming, and vision casting in advance. But, there is also an essential element of playing and experimenting in the moment. Some of our favorite images from the shoot would have been impossible to plan for. We just needed to get the right pieces in place and leave time and space for trying things.
I can’t help but wonder where else in my life I need to leave a little more space for the unplanned. There is actually quite a bit of freedom that results from doing what you can to plan, but then trusting yourself and your intuition and experience to fill in some of the gaps. Great things just may happen!
We left the shoot dreaming of what we could do the next time. So don’t be surprised if you see more of Swoop in the future.