
Ravenna Headshots: Lacy

Do you know about the delightful Ravenna neighborhood? There are several charming little areas, lots of quiet neighborhoods, and the stunning (and huge!) Ravenna Park. Today’s collection of photos were taken in and around Ravenna Park.

We’ve done other work for Lacy in the past (see our blog post about choosing meaningful locations for your photos and also a stop-motion video!). She was in need of some new lifestyle photos and headshots for an update to her website. We spent the morning exploring the park and creating a number of different looks for her. You can see the photos in action on her site, A Sacred Journey.

Or, just check them out below! We’ve curated some of our favorites and are sharing them with you here.

Enjoy these Ravenna headshots!

ravenna park headshotsLacy-2.19.15-086Lacy-2.19.15-072Lacy-2.19.15-077photos ravenna seattleheadshots ravennaLacy-2.19.15-067ravenna-headshots-seattleLacy-2.19.15-093ravenna neighborhood seattle lifestyle photos

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